Advantage Treatment Centers
Advantage Treatment Center's Mission is to monitor and manage offenders in a residential and non-residential modality aligning them with treatment and vocational resources to best equip them for continued involvement in the community with the positive, pro-social people and events. Client Success Equals Community Success!
Advantage Treatment Center Provider Services are designed to optimally match treatment offerings with the total needs of the contracting agencies. The Safety of the Public at large is paramount and no aspect of our Mission is so important that we cannot take the time and effort to best ensure this trusted responsibility.
Advantage Treatment Center Inc. (ATC) initially opened in November of 1998 as a non-residential treatment center for court ordered offenders in the Denver Metro Area. ATC offered an array of treatment services to court ordered individuals, from substance abuse treatment to mental health treatment–including anger management and cognitive restructuring. Monitored sobriety was also offered. ATC’s focus was quality treatment and supervision services as well as excellent communication and cooperation with our referring agencies (Parole, Probation, and Courts etc.) while keeping community safety at the forefront of all our interactions and services.
Advantage Treatment Center Inc. commenced services in Northeast Colorado in 2005 with the opening of a residential Community Corrections Facility, located at 12220 Highway 61, Sterling, Colorado, 80751. The facility is zoned for 100 clients and has square footage for 96 clients. ATC Sterling provides residential services to males only at this time.
In the Sterling area, Advantage Treatment Center Inc. had some challenges with regard to starting community corrections in a judicial district that never before had an adult community corrections facility. One of those challenges was to provide treatment modalities that either existed minimally or did not exist at all. A successful IRT program is another service greatly needed in this large geographic area and would fill a need for the criminal justice system and the community in Northeast Colorado
Advantage Treatment Center in Sterling primarily serves the 13th Judicial District but Accepts referrals from other judicial districts as well.
Advantage Treatment Center Sterling currently provides an array of treatment groups (anger management, DUI classes, sex offender treatment, domestic violence treatment, relapse prevention, and advanced interactive journaling groups). Consistent with evidence based practice findings as disseminated and practiced in the State of Colorado. ATC also provides judicial services such as bond monitoring and supervision of community service and monitored sobriety services to the Logan County Courts.
The facility itself is located across highway 61 from the Sterling Correctional Facility. It sits on 4 acres of commercial land and is surrounded by 39 acres of agricultural land, also owned by ATC owner Doug Carrigan. The facility was originally built as an Allis Chalmers Implement Dealer. It has since been utilized as an auction house, an electrical contractor company, and was last utilized by the Department of Corrections, Heavy Equipment Program, prior to its purchase and renovation to adult community corrections.
Currently the outlying acreage is being used for a large garden, and ATC management is looking forward to utilizing this space for more agricultural and ranching activities such as chickens, calves, hogs etc., as well as expanded gardening and agricultural areas.
Advantage Treatment Center has become a part of the Sterling and north east Colorado community, by actively participating in relationships with local criminal justice agencies, treatment agencies, churches and community fundraisers. ATC has an annual golf tournament that raises funds for local charities and has an annual food drive for the local community food bank, just to name a few.
Advantage Treatment center also has consistently provided excellent success rates and the staff and management strive to provide a structured environment that is conducive to client success and community safety!
Many clients will enter the ATC program and it is our sincere desire that they leave with skills that help them progress in life and help them grow as people. In their success we require that they be respectful of the community that offered them this second chance, and they continue to grow as positive and contributing members of the community.