City of Alamosa — Alamosa County Chamber of Commerce
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CIty of Alamosa

Alamosa literally grew up overnight.  In June 1878, the City of Alamosa went from a tent City to a rail center for the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad.  According to local legend, the rail crews were fed in Garland City in the morning then the building was placed on a flat car and the crews were fed dinner from the same building in Alamosa that night.  Many of the City’s first buildings were brought in whole on railroad flat cars.  Alamosa was incorporated on August 30, 1878.   Alamosa, which means “cottonwood” in Spanish, is the hub of the San Luis Valley for retail and services.

As the largest full-service city in the San Luis Valley, Alamosa is the place to stay when visiting nearby attractions including the Great Sand Dunes National Park featuring the tallest sand dunes in North America. With the park located a ½ hour away, Alamosa with its hundreds of hotel rooms and more than 35 restaurants can serve as your gateway to the Sand Dunes.   While here enjoy a round of golf at the City owned Cattails Golf Course, a cottonwood lined 18 hole course along the Rio Grande River. For those looking to explore the outdoors there are numerous peaks and hiking trails surrounding Alamosa.

While the population of 9,000 may not sound large, the Community offers much more than you might expect.  Home to Adams State University and Trinidad State College, higher education opportunities and cultural events abound.  From theatrical performances to sporting events, you can find it in Alamosa.  The San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center is a 57 bed level IV trauma center located in Alamosa and serving the entire valley.  With numerous hotels and restaurants, Alamosa is the hub of the San Luis Valley.



Contact Us:

300 Hunt Avenue Alamosa, Colorado 81101

(719) 589-2593