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Wendi’s Good Things Market

Hi there! It’s me, Wendi. And I want you to know, right off the bat, that I’m a big-dreaming, failing forward, joy-seeking, female entrepreneur. I tell it like it is over on Instagram and make sure you’re getting everything you need here at the Good Things Market.

If you take away one thing about me, it’s that I believe every good life starts with one good thing. That’s right; it’s all about small and intentional steps here at the market. Because creating a good life starts with choosing one good thing each day and I consider it an honor and privilege to provide you that space here for you to choose.

And let me let you in on a little secret. What you choose to surround yourself with is so much more than that one thing. It’s representative of the joy you want to feel, the peace of mind you want to experience, and the kind of life you ultimately want to lead. That’s the power of something good — it nurtures our souls and inspires us to live meaningful lives.

What does that life look like? That’s the beautiful thing; it’s completely up to you. And I’m right here, alongside you, figuring out what I want my life to look like too. Together, we’re a community of big-dreaming, failing forward, joy seekers who are creating, expressing, and discovering what’s possible when we choose to have good things in our lives.

So looking forward to being on this journey alongside you. With love from CO,




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Alamosa CO 81101

(719) 589-2157